
Thursday, April 4, 2013


Paris, France

Le capital of France

This would be the first place I would want to be, as soon as I arrive to France. How could someone go to Paris and not go without seeing the Eiffel tower. Well even though if they do not want to see it, you will see its top all over Paris. It rises 984 feet tall and completed by the 19th century. Built by, Gustave Eiffel, known for building techniques. The tower has an elevator, so I'll make sure to hop on to get a better view of Paris. 

Next stop, Louvre Pyramid. Would like to go visit this glass pyramid, because you can go inside. Inside there is an upside down pyramid. While I'm there, stop by the Louvre museum and get a tour.

The Arc de Triomphe, sounds fancy. Once of the most famous monuments of France. It honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. It has all French victories and generals carved on its inner and outer surface. Also, beneath its vault there are tombs of the unknown soldiers from WW1. Creepy and scary much?! 

To tour around Paris will defiantly take more than a few days. There are so many places to visit. Lets mention one more, Disneyland! Who knew there was one in Paris. Well, if you are a Disney freak you would have known. 

Paris is one gorgeous place and once day would stand under that Eiffel tour... Oui, Oui! 

New York, U.S.

"The city that never sleeps"

Out of all the 50 states, New York is my first to visit. Known for its Statue of Liberty, Skylines, Times Square, and the list continues on places to visit in New York.

First thing I'll get a glimpse while on the plane, would be New York's Skyline. It would be 10 times better if it was at night, seeing all those bright lights. Once seeing them, you know you're almost there.


Times Square! Massive digital billboards whose bright lights make midnight look like afternoon. People peddling art and jewelry on the street and lets not forget the naked cowboy playing the guitar in his underwear. Would love to be here on new years eve. Do the count down and watch the ball drop. Everywhere you turn you'll just be amazed.

New York City's most recognizable historic landmark, for generation of immigrants seeking a better life in America. I will ride the short ferry ride and get an up close, seeing it from land is not enough for me. (Have to be up close and personally with Lady Liberty. I'm only kidding, but getting a closer look would be nice.) The ferry will also grant and admission to the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. Building that served as the first port of entry to the U.S. for approx. 12 million immigrants. Also walk the Great Hall and see photos of the American Family Immigration History Center. 

There is a lot more, must see in NYC. Can't miss without going to Central Park in Manhattan. That is one gorgeous park. Go for a walk, relax and enjoy the outdoors. Visit the Central Park Zoo, Belvedre Castle, and the Friedsam Memorial Carousel.  

The House That Ruth Built the stadium is known as. If you're a Yankees fan this is your place. I personally don't watch baseball, it is not my sport at all. Wouldn't mind playing hitting some home-run, but watching the sport is not my thing. Would rather watch golf. Kidding, not even golf.

"I grew up in the Bronx" Umm no I didn't, just wanted to say it for the heck of it. But I would go to Bronx Zoo. The largest urban wildlife preserved in the U.S. More than 5,000 animals, representing more than 600 species. 
Also, while in Brooklyn would go across the Brooklyn Bridge. I would walk it, so I can get a nice view of downtown Manhattan and New York's Harbor.

To end this endless post, because there are many more places to visit in New York. Instead of living in California for the rest of my life, just for one year move to a different state. New York is where I would like to stay. The thing that I would miss from California are the beaches! Although, I would have to wait and see if I'm willing to move across the country...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013



2010 FIFA World Cup championship for men's national association football (soccer) team!

Rooting for Spain team next tournament in 2014, and Barcelona's soccer team being one of my favorite soccer team. Spain has many attractions to see and festivals to attend.


La Tomatina

Tomato throwing festival, is held in the Valencia town in Bunol. Starts at 10 a.m. Than someone climbs a greasy pole with a ham on top. The heck? As this happens, the crowd sings and dances while being showered with water from hoses. As soon as the person drops the ham off the pole, the start signal for the tomato fight is given by firing the water shot in the air and the trucks with the tomato's make their entry. 
  • Tomatoes have to be squished before being thrown to avoid injury
  • No other objects except tomato should be thrown
  • Give way to truck and lorries
  • Ripping off shirt is no allowed
  • Second shot heard, no more tomatoes to be thrown
This year it will begin August 28th.


Run for your lives!!!

Run of bulls. A dozen of bulls are let loose, on the seven day festival of Sanfermines in honor of San Fermin in Pamplona. Anyone older than 18 may participate. First rocket is set off at 8 a.m. to alert runners that the corral gate is open. Second rocket signals that all six bulls have been released. Third signals that all of the heard has entered the bullring. I would like to participate in the bull run but I pass. I would much rather see them from a balcony. 
The 6th - 14th of July every year.

Las Fallas 

This looks creepy AF! This is a five day event leading to Saint Joseph's day (March 19). Las fallas take place in Valencia, on the Costa Blanca. Each neighborhood traditionally gets together to build giant puppets which are then later set on fire. There is usually a satirical nature to these puppets, though not always. Its accompanied with plenty of street parties throughout the city. Only the crappy ones get burned, the good ones go to the Valencia Fallas museum.

Cathedral in Barcelona
Spain has many more different festivals and many more attraction. These are the few of many that caught my attention to travel.

Two Places at Once?

Iguazu Falls

Waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the Border of Brazilian state Parana and Argentina province Misiones. Technically you won't be at two places at once. The falls are shared by the Iguazu National Park, but you will have to be in Argentina or Brazil. If you want to be at "two places at once" will have to be in the water, to be in Brazil and Argentina. If you're in Brazil you'll take a bus and  there is a walkway along the canyon. In Argentina is more adventures to arrive to the falls. Have to cross the forest by, the Rainforest Ecological Train. The train takes you to the entrance of Devil's Throat. Crazy, right! Over the falls of the Devil's throat is the highest and deepest of the falls. Also, there has been inflatable boats that would take visitors right under the falls. There are two sides to view the Iguazu Falls, but you won't be in "Two Places at Once"

Crazy to be on that walkway!


Travel to Brazil 

"Because the whole world will be there in 2014."

First country to travel on my bucket list is, Brazil.

Beside Mexico being the "first" country to travel, I really don't count it to be. It's a two hour drive and I've been there many times. I want to go far away, hours away!

Mardi Gras

A little history behind Mardi Gras. Is a Christian cultural event and significant is a celebration prior to fasting season of Lent. This year parade took place a day before Ash Wednesday, February 12. The tradition is; wearing masks or costumes, dancing, singing, sports competitions, parades, etc. Brazil is not the only place Mardi Gras occur. They also take place in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, and New Orleans, U.S.

"Big Jesus"

Christ the Redeemer, is the name of the statue not "Big Jesus." Its located in the Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca forest National park over looking the city, Rio de Janerio. A symbol of Brazilian Christianity, and it has become an icon to the city and Brazil.


Two glamours and world famous urban beaches of Rio de Janerio, Ipanema and Copacabana Beach


In other words soccer, but around the world is known as football. I'm not crazy soccer fan, but I enjoy watching soccer. Actually is the only sport I enjoy watching, besides American football. My first world cup that I ever saw was FIFA in South Africa. The games are intense especially when you're surrounded by crazy soccer fans. When the tournament ended I was just excited for the next one. Found out in 2014 it will take place in Brazil. I would love to go personally and watch it live, but need money for tickets, hotel, etc. I'll just surround myself will other football fans :) By the way the teams I'm rooting for are Spain, Germany, Brazil and Mexico.